Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Oh snap!!!!!!!! The four of us went to Alex and Kenzi's house and made.........Eclipse t shirts, wait until you get to see them. They are the bomb:) We also got to go and get coffee at a local espresso place (because of the Eclipse special!!) and posed by their amazing sign!! Haha :) People driving by got a real kick out of us being tourists in our own town. :)

-Stay tuned for pics of our t-shirts later tonight after the movie!! :)


  1. OH SNAP!!! Hurry and post the pics girlies!

  2. awww I love the triple eclipse stamp tuesday pics!!!!

  3. I love your blog, it is so girlie and so much fun, I can't wait to learn some things from you young chickitys!!!! Love your blog, love it! I will drop by again soon...

  4. Thank You for the lovely comments!! :) Marlece, leave your blog address, we would love to check it out!! :)
