Friday, July 22, 2011

Lana and Cal- Alex & Kenzie

Part 2:

Cal is here! We have been keeping busy playing all kinds of sports and the Wii. Cal loves to play the Wii and is pretty good at all the games too haha :)

After a well deserved KO
Cal bowling away,
he ended his game with a score of 130!
Cal loved getting strike out after strike out
in this heated game of baseball
The next tennis star?! Maaaybe :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lana and Cal- Alex & Kenzie


Lana is here! Every summer we get to have our little cousins stay with us for a week! Right now we have Lana but soon we will switch with Katelyn and Karley and get Cal. Lana and I had some fun coloring and getting "inked" haha :) -Kenzie

Lana also enjoyed running through the sprinklers. Lucky for her we actually had a nice sunny day :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Finally summer is here!! No more school or homework. Yay! hahahah :)  Now it's all about basketball, running, getting ready for college and sun of course! Oh and looking at all the beautiful flowers in our yard. These are just a few of the colorful ones we have :)